RVHS Reunion

RVHS Class of 1975 50th reunion facebook link

Hurley Mtn Inn

Friday October 2, 2015 at 7pm - Socialize at the Hurley Mountain Inn in Hurley NY - Reservations not required. Click image for more details
hurley mtn inn

Mohonk Hike

Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Hike the trails of Mohonk with your classmates - Most trails are easy - Round trip is approximately 5 miles - Meet 8am - Reservations required. Click image for more details
40th reunion dinner

The Strand

Saturday October 3, 2015 - Visit The Strand in downtown Kingston on the waterfront with your classmates - Many restaurants, museums, galleries, walkways, etc Click image for more details
The Strand

Rail Trail Hike

Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Hike the Hurley Rail Trail with your classmates - The trail is flat, so easy hiking - Round trip is approximately 5 miles - Barred Owls are sometimes heard/seen - Meet 10am - Reservations required. Click image for more details
40th reunion dinner


Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Golf at one of the local golf courses - Course to be decided by Mike Meehan - Reservations ARE required. Click image for more details

40th Reunion Dinner

Saturday October 3, 2015 - Cocktail Hour at 6pm - Dinner at 7pm - Dancing 8-11pm Click image for more details
40th reunion dinner

Sunday Brunch

Sunday October 4, 2015 - Brunch at Stewart Cohen's House in Newburgh NY - Easy social event to wind the weekend down - Food prepared by Chef Sean Cohen Click image for more details
40th reunion dinner

rondout valley gander mascot

40th Reunion
Julie Boice
Jane Derman
Mike Cantwell
Rail Trail
Mike Meehan (Golf)
Mike Cantwell (Mohonk Hike)
Leslie Alexander (Hurley Rail Trail)
TBD (Strand)
Jane Derman (Reunion Dinner)
Stewart Cohen (Sun Brunch)

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50th Reunion of the Class of 1975 of Rondout Valley High School