Hurley Mtn Inn
Friday October 2, 2015 at 7pm - Socialize at the Hurley Mountain Inn in Hurley NY - Reservations not required. Click image for more details
Mohonk Hike
Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Hike the trails of Mohonk with your classmates - Most trails are easy - Round trip is approximately 5 miles - Meet 8am - Reservations required. Click image for more details
The Strand
Saturday October 3, 2015 - Visit The Strand in downtown Kingston on the waterfront with your classmates - Many restaurants, museums, galleries, walkways, etc Click image for more details
Rail Trail Hike
Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Hike the Hurley Rail Trail with your classmates - The trail is flat, so easy hiking - Round trip is approximately 5 miles - Barred Owls are sometimes heard/seen - Meet 10am - Reservations required. Click image for more details
Saturday Morning October 3, 2015 - Golf at one of the local golf courses - Course to be decided by Mike Meehan - Reservations ARE required. Click image for more details
40th Reunion Dinner
Saturday October 3, 2015 - Cocktail Hour at 6pm - Dinner at 7pm - Dancing 8-11pm Click image for more details
Sunday Brunch
Sunday October 4, 2015 - Brunch at Stewart Cohen's House in Newburgh NY - Easy social event to wind the weekend down - Food prepared by Chef Sean Cohen Click image for more details
50th Reunion of the Class of 1975 of Rondout Valley High School