Please feel free to fill out the questionnaire in a way that makes you comfortable in telling other alumni about your life. Answer the questions that apply to you, and skip the questions that don't. The overall objective is for you to tell us the story of your life. If the questions do not apply to your life story, please feel free to Email us a different description. We will print up to a full page per person.

You can also Email us ( recent photo of yourself. The picture can be of yourself and/or your family. Your picture from the 1975 yearbook will also be used in the Alumni Book. If you didn't have your picture taken in 1975 for the yearbook, you can send us an old picture.

 Your Address:
First Name* Middle: Maiden: Last:
Street Adr #1: *
Street Adr #2:
City* State: Zip:

* = Required Field.

 Contact Information:
Phone Number:
Cell Phone:
E-Mail: *
  What are your Favorite Memories from RVHS:

   Favorite Teachers or Classes at RVHS:

  What are your Plans for Retirement (if any), or your experience since Retirement:

  Volunteer Work:


  Professional Occupations and/or Personal Work:

   Where have you Traveled to, or places you want to travel to:

  List Children and/or Grand-children

  Education and/or Personal Achievements:

  What Other Topics would you like to tell others about: